Art in the landscape
You will need:
- pencil
- wax crayon
- paper or sketch pad
- tracing paper
- felt pen
- scissors
- glue stick or double sided tape
- digital camera or phone camera
- During a walk look at details in the landscape, for example collect leaves, feathers or seed heads of different shapes and colours.
- Take some your leaves, lay them out in a pattern on the ground and photograph your leaf collage.
- As well as drawing take some photographs during your walk, but try some different angles … get close up to plants, flowers and textures to notice the fine details.
- Try drawing around your leaves, feathers, seed heads to create a page of overlapping shapes in your sketch book.
- Using a wax crayon take rubbings of different textures on your walk, for example bark, back of leaves, stonework.
- If you are lucky to be out on a sunny day take a shadow photograph, or trace a shadow into your sketchbook.
Other tips and ideas
- Try creating an abstract pattern from your leaf outlines. We used tracing paper to copy our sketchbook drawings and coloured in the alternate overlapping shapes.
- Inspired by a wallpaper design from the V&A collection we cut out some of our bark rubbings and made them into seed head and plant shape collage.
- TIP: don’t stick down your shapes until you are happy with the overall composition. Try shuffling the pieces around for different designs. We finished off with the addition of some simple geometric pen details.