There are many ways you can support the project from becoming an ArtCare Friend or making a donation to getting practically involved as a volunteer.
Friends scheme
Join our Primary Colours Friends Scheme and support the project with an annual donation. If you are a UK taxpayer Gift Aid will increase your donation by 25%. Payment can be made via standing order, cheque or debit/credit card. Please email ArtCare of call us on 01722 336262 ext.5617 for the relevant forms.
Blue Friend
£25 per year
As a blue friend you will:
- receive priority information and invitations to exhibitions, events and previews
- receive complimentary sets of ArtCare cards and poem postcards on joining
Yellow Friend
£75 per year
As for blue and in addition:
- 5% discount on purchases from our exhibitions
Red Friend
£150 per year
As for blue and in addition:
- 10% discount on purchases from our exhibitions
Fundraising online
You can help raise money for ArtCare projects each time you shop online by registering with
When you make purchases at any of easyfundraising’s partner retailers including: Amazon, John Lewis, M&S, ebay and over 2000 others they will donate up to 15% of what you spend directly to ArtCare at no extra cost to you.
If you would like to support us in this way go to the ArtCare page at easyfundraising and register your details. Then search for the retailer you want to shop with, click to visit the retailer and shop as you normally would. Your donation will be shown in your easyfundraising account within 30 days.
You can also raise money for us every time you search the web by using easysearch and choosing ArtCare as your good cause. For each search you make you will earn ArtCare half a penny. Over the course of a year that could mean £25. Go to the easysearch webpage and set it as your default search engine.
Get involved
Volunteering with ArtCare
Volunteer staff are a huge asset to the ArtCare team enabling us to expand our project work. Volunteering with ArtCare also has many benefits for you. We want our volunteers to be respected for the skills they bring as individuals and we want to provide opportunities for gaining experience and applying creativity in an arts in health setting.
What would be my responsibilities as a volunteer?
Your role as a volunteer will encompass many different tasks based on the following criteria:
- volunteers will work alongside ArtCare staff in either a supporting or co-facilitating role. Activities may include administration or exhibition duties, assisting at public workshops or events, ward art sessions providing participants with support, appropriate to each individual
- bring a range of creative skills, an open mind, encourage people to explore their ideas, create a safe, enjoyable atmosphere, respect individual privacy
- maintain personal safety and work within Trust policies
What would be the benefits for me?
ArtCare aims to provide:
- opportunities to develop your personal and teamwork skills
- valuable work experience within Arts in Healthcare
- appropriate training and ongoing support from ArtCare staff and Voluntary Services
- regular personal meetings to explore individual training needs and ideas for new work
- travel expenses (within a 20 mile radius) and meal allowances as set out by Voluntary Services criteria
- Public Liability Insurance
What type of person are you looking for?
You don’t need to be qualified but you do need:
- confidence and experience in using art and/or craft materials
- enthusiasm to try new things
experience of creative work within a group – either as a participant or as a leader - a portfolio or selection of favourite examples of your own artwork
How much time would I need to give?
Volunteers are expected to commit to 2 hours a week (or equivalent). Each volunteer placement has an initial trial period, after which the working level will be agreed and goals set to work towards. Placements are for a total of 6 months and can be renewed.
What should I do if I am interested in volunteering for ArtCare?
Read our volunteers leaflet, which has more information about responsibilities and levels of work. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Lesley Self or call for an informal chat in the first instance on ext. 5618.
N.B. All volunteers will need to complete an application form for Voluntary Services and Criminal Records checks.
Read about Anne Parrish’s experience as an ArtCare volunteer
See our Opportunities page for any current adverts for specific volunteer roles.
Other ways to help
As an individual you could:
- Purchase a picture from one of our temporary exhibitions
- Take part in the annual Stars Appeal sponsored ‘Walk for Wards’ to raise money for ArtCare or Elevate
- Visit the ArtCare shop and buy prints or Elevate CD
As a group you could:
- Work together with us on a shared project – we have collaborated with many community groups and local schools
- Consider sponsoring an artwork
- Donate some materials for a project. The ‘Aspects of Silk’ quilt in Rheumatology was made with materials kindly donated by fashion designers Georgina Von Etzdorf; Malinki Balinki regularly donate materials used in our courtyard displays
- Help spread the word by inviting ArtCare to talk to your group or organisation
Thinking of donating an artwork for the hospital? Read our Art gift acceptance guidelines (pdf)