ArtCare reserves the right to be credited as the original author of these works. By downloading these files you are agreeing that the images and text within these documents are the property of ArtCare and may not be reproduced in any format whatsoever without prior permission.

Elevate your mood
Latest issue of words and images from our Elevate artists to delight and inspire you.

Poetry with Rose Flint
A special edition booklet celebrating and re-publishing works and words written with poet Rose Flint during her time with ArtCare.

ROBUST Healthcare design
Free download describing ArtCare's approach to successful design for the healthcare environment including case studies.

Caring for Salisbury's Healthcare History
An insight into ArtCare’s two year project, funded with a Heritage Lottery Grant, to record and share the historic archives and collections held at Salisbury District Hospital

Performances for hospitals
A list of performances 'tried and tested' by ArtCare as suitable for hospitals and other healthcare settings.

Waterworld and Treetops
A colourful project record that reveals the participation of local children in the design and creation of artwork for the Children's Unit. Printed book also available to order from ArtCare.

Caring for NHS art
A collection management report by Lesley Meaker describing the issues of caring for permanent collections of Public Art in a healthcare setting.