Laura Bell Student Exhibition 2023

Start date: Thursday 6th July 2023
End date: Thursday 27th July 2023
All-day event
Location: Levels 3 & 4 main corridors Salisbury District Hospital

ArtCare at Salisbury Hospital welcome the annual show from Laura Bell and her students. This year’s exhibition reveals some of the exercises and inspirations which Laura Bell’s watercolour students have been enjoying.

The Autumn Term concentrated on the ideas and techniques of Mary Fedden. The aim was to balance abstract qualities with interesting subjects with autobiographical associations e.g. exploring the title ‘My Favourite Things’. There were quite a few still life subjects and some studies of birds, both frequent focuses for Mary Fedden.

In the Spring Term the theme was Natural Form and Design. This led to the work of William Morris and Charles Voysey being used as an inspiration for pattern in particular. It also resulted in a wonderful collection of illuminated letters. There are also examples of landscape completed with or without photographs and, in some cases, from the imagination.

If you would like to know more about Laura Bell’s art classes, please get in touch:

The exhibition is free of charge and can be seen on both levels 3 and 4 main corridors of Salisbury District Hospital.

ArtCare is charitably funded by The Stars Appeal, other grants and a commission raised from picture sales go towards hospital creative projects with patients and families.