Make a mobile
You will need:
- scissors
- plastic milk bottles, card, plastic table mats, laminated paper or any stiff material that you can cut with scissors
- strong cotton, fishing wire or wool cut into lengths
- beads from an unwanted necklace or use Hama beads
- lolly sticks, drilled CDs or similar things to attach the strands to
- Cut shapes out of your stiff materials. Aim for at least 10 pieces for each strand. Use a drawing pin to make a hole in each piece. It doesn’t have to be in the middle.
- Tie a knot around a bead at the bottom of a piece of cotton or fishing wire and then thread on the first piece. Use another knot higher up or some beads to make a space. Thread on the next piece.
- Make more than one strand and join them together on a staff piece of plastic, e.g. an old CD with holes drilled in it or use lolly sticks. Tie a hanging loop at the top.
N.B. It is not safe to hang mobiles where young children can reach them.
Other tips and ideas
- use colours that match your room
- find lots of different colour plastic bottles to cut up
- try laminating sweet wrappers or old wrapping paper
- hang the mobile near a window or radiator where the air will make it move