Breamore Ward Day Room


Funded by the Stars Appeal, ArtCare helped staff on Breamore Ward to make their day room more welcoming and friendly and to improve wayfinding throughout the ward. The artworks, one in the day room and one in the main ward, serve as focal points to soothe and distract patients. The calming images are made up of a montage of local landscapes, including landmarks from Breamore village itself, which the ward takes its name from. These include the bridge over the river, the church and a mizmaze. The images also help to counter the lack of windows to exterior views on the ward. New furniture includes a dining table and chairs allowing patients to eat their lunch away from their bedside if they wish, as well as tub chairs and a coffee table for informal relaxation with visitors. A storage unit means there is less clutter and it’s easier to clean, but books and games are still accessible to patients and visitors when needed. Printed window film creates privacy for the users of the space, allowing light to filter through, but preventing people looking in when walking past outside. Finally, improved signage through out the ward has helped with patient orientation.