

Artist: Binita Walia
Location: Level 2, 3 & 4 Link bridge, Phase II building

This major work by glass artist Binita Walia of a flock of birds screen-printed onto glass can be seen from almost anywhere in the new build. The cloud-filled bird silhouettes in blue, green and red tones appear on all three levels of the link bridge and the view from the courtyard below and wards opposite is particularly eye-catching. When the sun shines through the glass a further shadow-play of clouds and birds is created along the corridor floor.

Binita said, “I made the ‘friendly’ birds like robins and chaffinches very large and have scaled down the predatory birds such as vultures and hawks to create a play between what is real and what could be imagined. All the birds are equal and beautiful in a similar way.”

Binita’s design incorporates fifteen birds, a Robin, Chaffinch, Tree Creeper, White Backed Vulture, Arctic Tern, Masked Booby, Montagues Harrier, Swallow, Grey Heron, Little Owl, Galapagos Hawk, Bluetit, Red Billed Tropic Bird, Sacred Ibis and Red Footed Booby, which are repeated throughout the work.

Binita’s design was inspired by the natural habitat of Salisbury plain and the freedom that birds symbolise. “I decided to use birds from all over the world because it symbolises diversity and the integration of people from all walks of life that can occur in a healthcare setting.”

Audio description of Skybirds

Skybirds by Binita Walia leaflet about the artwork (pdf)