
Sometimes When You Are Out There, You Can Easily Lose Yourself

woman looking up at autumn trees arms outstretched, dog in foreground
Costumes on first, clothes on top
and then it was a dash to see
who could get in first, never
bothering about whether it was cold or not
(Dad always let me win, so I got in first).
Sometimes when you are out there
you can easily just lose yourself…


This poem was written by LK, as part of our Talking Journeys project


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Download ‘Take the time’ Issue 3 – Autumn 2020 edition (pdf)

Send us your contribution

We love to include some of your own reflections in future posts and in our monthly print edition ‘Elevate your mood’ or quarterly printed tabloid ‘Take the time’. Why not write a few lines, try a poem or send us picture on the general theme of winter into spring? Email to ArtCare or send to ArtCare, Block 29, Salisbury District Hospital, Salisbury SP2 8BJ.