Make a monoprint

You will need:

  • paper to print onto
  • paints or printing inks (water based). Acrylics are good or use ready mix paint with PVA added
  • brushes, printing rollers (optional), sponges
  • printing surface – plastic table mats are really good!
  • scrap paper, ribbon or string for making shapes


  1. Protect your working surface with newspaper or an old cloth. Wear old clothes or an apron.
  2. Use a smooth surface to apply your paint to – a sheet of stiff plastic is good or even a thick sheet of
    card will do. Apply one or two colours of paint with a printing roller or large paintbrush.
  3. Use an old pencil or the other end of a paint brush to draw into the paint. Use cut or torn paper shapes,
    string or ribbon laid on top.
  4. Starting at one end lay a sheet of paper on top. Smooth it with your flat hand or a dry printing roller.
  5. Starting at one end, peel off the paper. You have a monoprint.
  6. Repeat to make more prints.

Other tips and ideas

  • print a new colour over the top to make layers
  • add paint, pencil, pen or pastel to a print for more detail
  • save the prints you donít like for collage materials
  • print onto patterned paper e.g. used wrapping paper
  • try printing onto tissue or tracing papers
  • cut your monoprints up to make Christmas or gift cards
  • use pegs and washing line or string to hang your prints up to dry


Download mono printing instruction sheet (pdf)