Digital Drawing – Landscape

If you have completed our Digital Drawing Basics tutorial, why not try creating some digital landscapes by following this practice activity. Watch our video clip and follow the instructions below. As you get to grips with the different tools you will build up more confidence using digital drawing for sketching. And unlike painting you don’t spend lots of money on materials trying different ideas out. Sketching on your mobile phone also means you won’t have to carry lots of materials and equipment around!



  1. Select a landscape photo as your inspiration
  2. In the first layer paint the sky colour
  3. Add a new layer and add general background colour
  4. Add a new layer and start adding details such as trees, hedges, plants etc
  5. Build up the details in new layers
  6. TIP: To make your drawing more dynamic keep making slight changes to the colour you work with
  7. To add variety and texture try using different brushes
  8. If you go wrong use the undo button!
  9. Tidy edges to make a sharp line using the eraser tool

Next steps – more practice activities

Why not try out more practice activities next? Each activity has a handy video guide to help you.

Still need help with the basics? Check out our Digital Drawing Basics page

For more inspiration follow our digital drawing board on Pinterest


Download instructions and examples

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Download our digital drawing examples (for personal use only)