Watercolour painting of Old Sarum landscape

Laura Bell Student Exhibition 2023

Start date: Thursday 6th July 2023
End date: Thursday 27th July 2023
All-day event

ArtCare at Salisbury Hospital welcome the annual show from Laura Bell and her students. This year's exhibition reveals some of the exercises and inspirations which Laura Bell's watercolour students have been enjoying.

The Autumn Term concentrated on the ideas and techniques of Mary Fedden. The aim was to balance abstract qualities with interesting subjects with autobiographical associations e.g. exploring the title 'My Favourite Things'. There were quite a few still life subjects and some studies of birds, both frequent focuses for Mary Fedden.

In the Spring Term the theme was Natural Form and Design. This led to the work of William Morris and Charles Voysey being used as an inspiration for pattern in particular. It also resulted in a wonderful collection of illuminated letters. There are also examples of landscape completed with or without photographs and, in some cases, from the imagination.

If you would like to know more about Laura Bell's art classes, please get in touch: laura67bell@gmail.com

The exhibition is free of charge and can be seen on both levels 3 and 4 main corridors of Salisbury District Hospital.

ArtCare is charitably funded by The Stars Appeal, other grants and a commission raised from picture sales go towards hospital creative projects with patients and families.


mixed media printed seed heads with embroidered detail

Teresa Rogers

Start date: Friday 31st March 2023
End date: Tuesday 25th April 2023
All-day event

Bringing colour and lively artwork to our corridors this month is an exhibition by artist Teresa Rogers. With bold surface decoration and vibrant colours her work includes experimental pieces, mixed media, textiles, print and paint. After a long career in education Teresa continues to run workshops from her home studio on the edge of the New Forest.


watercolour coastal headland

Pete Appleford

Start date: Thursday 16th February 2023
End date: Thursday 16th March 2023
All-day event

Pete, a former research scientist, originally from Salisbury and now living in Oxfordshire, displays a selection of paintings ranging from seascapes to flowers. Pete loves painting and drawing and in 2013, together with a colleague he started a painting group called the Enjoyists with the aim of rediscover their creativity. Since then, he has committed himself to some form of art practice on a daily basis. Pete is most inspired by the watercolours of John Singer Sargent, an artist who is able to suggest incredible complexity with apparent simplicity. Find out more: peteapplefordart.com


loose watercolour of woman walking past a pony, bare tree in the breeze behind

Artlook 2022

Start date: Thursday 20th October 2022
End date: Friday 18th November 2022
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Artlook is a group of local artists living in Hampshire and Wiltshire and came into being in 2007. The group number has varied in size over the years, and now comprises seven members: Fiona Forbes, Susie James, Wendy Jelbert, Sarah Orchard, Sharon Rogers, Sally Tyler and Wendy Willis.

Our work is diverse in subject matter encompassing landscapes, seascapes, still life, flowers, gardens, figurative and abstract art in various media, including watercolour, acrylics, oils, pen and wash and collage.

We enjoy meeting together whenever possible to paint, compare new ideas, and discuss future exhibitions and are always on the lookout for new venues and projects.

Most of us run workshops and give demonstrations as well as running our own art classes.

The works on show in the hospital are some of our recent paintings which we hope will be uplifting to everyone who comes to see them.


playful watercolour of different breeds of dogs on leads

Illustrators on show

Start date: Thursday 4th August 2022
End date: Friday 14th October 2022
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Three artists Zennor Box, Anna Shuttlewood and Diliana Nikolova exhibit fun and playful illustrative paintings along the corridors of Salisbury Hospital.

Zennor Box's images illustrate human moments and funny imagined stories are captured in this series of artworks. This exhibition is part of a tour visiting hospitals at Dorchester, Yeovil, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Taunton, Salisbury, and Western Super Mare.

‘Hospitals have become the perfect place to show these paintings because most people walking down a hospital corridor are looking for some sort of distraction or escapism and if the paintings are absurd yet familiar, strange yet humorous, they can quickly transport you to a different place, if just for a while.’ (Zennor Box)

Anna Shuttlewood and Diliana Nikolova are mother and daughter who create intricate paintings and drawings of better and brighter cheerful worlds full of friendly and naïve creatures. Their artwork is humorous and brings a smile to anyone’s day.

‘My pictures are detailed and have many ‘mini-stories’ to discover, one can look and imagine what the characters are like and what their dreams are. I also like to explore a world of animal – human relationships.’ (Anna Shuttlewood)

Illustrators on Show 2022 catalogue (pdf)



mixed media waves and sand layered beach scene

Open Exhibition 2023

Start date: Friday 28th April 2023
End date: Thursday 22nd June 2023
All-day event

This year's ArtCare Open exhibition at Salisbury District Hospital is back and we received work from local and regional artists who submitted work for selection in this year’s display.

The panel of judges awarded the overall winner prize to artist Annaliese Stoney for her characterful depiction of Salisbury Market. Two runners-up prizes were awarded to Tom Marshall’s painting ‘Wave to the beach’ and Salisbury artist Fred Fieber’s dynamic drawing ‘Reflections, Rutherford Walk’. Prizes for 2023 have been sponsored by Salisbury Hospital League of Friends.

With nearly 100 pieces of artwork, you'll see some of the best artwork in the Salisbury area and find out more about local artists. The exhibition is free of charge and open daily along the main corridors level 3 and 4.

Especially for Creativity and Wellbeing 2023 week in May you can book on a guided tour of the Open Exhibition led by ArtCare. This will be a relaxed and enjoyable session looking at different styles from painting, drawing, textiles, printmaking, photography and more. See our Eventbrite page for details www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/artcare-28126838233

The hospital is grateful for support from our local artists who submitted work.



painting of woman in orange dress walking dog through forest in summer

Ringwood Art Society 2023

Start date: Thursday 12th January 2023
End date: Thursday 9th February 2023
All-day event

ArtCare at Salisbury Hospital welcome the annual show from the Ringwood Art Society. Group members show their skills is a variety of media including watercolours, pastels and acrylics. Highlights include watercolour landscapes on level 3 main corridors including local scenes from Salisbury to the coast. Level 4 main corridor has a lively and colourful selection of paintings, drawings and seascapes.

The Ringwood Art Society was formed in 1968 to provide opportunities for members to extend their knowledge and interest in art generally, to provide a means for members to exhibit and possibly sell their work and to stimulate an interest in art amongst members of the public.

The exhibition is free of charge and can be seen on both levels 3 and 4 main corridors of Salisbury District Hospital. Visit the Ringwood Art Society website for more information about the group.


watercolour of woman in yellow walking dog in snow by Lynn Ryder

SGA Christmas Cracker

Start date: Friday 25th November 2022
End date: Friday 6th January 2023
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

The Salisbury Group of Artists are holding their Annual Winter Exhibition at Salisbury District Hospital throughout December.

Local landscapes and a variety of original artworks will be on display along the corridors. The Salisbury Group of Artists is a vibrant, friendly and active arts group within and around the city.

In the run up to the festive season there is a chance to view and purchase a unique Christmas present and commission on all sales is used by ArtCare to fund creative projects for the benefit of patients, staff and visitors to the hospital.

Find out more about Salisbury Group of Artists: www.salisburygroupofartists.co.uk